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Why Go to Church If I Can Talk to God and Spirit Myself?

One of the 5P’s to Becoming a Spiritual Person was People. You might be asking yourself why go to church if I can talk to God and the Holy Spirit myself. And if you are asking this question then you probably have some aversion to church.

Stories are one of the biggest reasons to attend a church. The very nature of Spirituality is that you are talking to God or spirits and you just can’t go around telling everyone about that. If you do tell people from some other faith, they will think you are crazy. When you get that really good story that is so wild, it will do you good to be able to tell it to someone.

Questions are another good reason to find yourself in church. Much like stories, you just can’t go around asking Spiritualist questions of anyone. One of my questions was about a Celtic knot and a triangle. Some of my answers were Holy Trinity for the triangle and never-ending for the Celtic knot. Where else can you get answers on two seemingly conflicting subjects. Spiritualists by nature tend to believe there is some truth all around us.

And of course you already knew about Fellowship. When I think about fellowship, I also think about Philippians 2:1-2 (NIV) which says, “Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Getting together at Church helps all of us keep in step.

Teaching. You are surely going to pick up some things as you live Spirituality day to day. Here, you are more than welcome to write a guest blog post.

Meetups & metaphysical stores. If you can’t make it to church, another great alternative is meetups and small groups at metaphysical stores. Check your local store for small groups.

Share some of your Questions and Stories in the comments below.

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