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The Great Everything

The fundamental disagreement between Plato and Socrates was the subject of what was Real. That was the most exciting element of my college Philosophy class. Plato believed that he had to feel it with our senses for it to be real. Much like our current scientific method, we observe with our senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. So it was real to Plato if you could sense it with one of those senses.

Socrates was a teacher of Plato. His Theory of Forms is covered in Plato’s Dialogs. Socrates seemed to believe that everything came from master molds or forms or ideas somewhere else. Socrates believed the forms were where you should devote your time.

My professor took off on a rant about the Matrix movie. I guess that is a pretty easy way to explain the forms theory. Everything is there in the Matrix, but it is based on something else, and there is something different going on outside the Matrix.

Now, I guess you could say that I took Socrates’s side, but I believe that I decided that they are both correct. I think that everything on earth and the Universe is mirrored in another place. I call this place The Great Everything. I believe that The Great Everything is where we are formed and where we go when we die. It is essentially heaven, but there is no hell. Perhaps, the earth is hell. I believe that we can see aliens, spirits, ghosts, and other unexplained phenomena as The Great Everything overlaps our world, and those things bleed through. I believed you could communicate through The Great Everything as we are all connected by it.

What is interesting is as I dig for more profound spirituality, the concepts that I found comfort in my atheistic phase seem more accurate than ever. One difference is that I now believe that Father God and Mother God exist separately from what I called The Great Everything.

I have read books from other spiritual people that say heaven is a mirror image of our world, except everything is perfect there. Spirits do travel over from the other side and occasionally show themselves in our world.

In conclusion, I believe that the concept of The Great Everything was infused knowledge from the other side. Thanks to those on the other side who were determined to keep me on the track to learning and enhancing my soul.

Please share in the comments any experiences you have had with infused knowledge. What do you think about Plato and Socrates? Was one more correct than the other or are they both right?

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