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Star Healing Meditation


Experience the soothing embrace of the cosmos with the Star Healing Meditation. In this guided meditation, we journey to the depths of space, enveloped in the radiant energy of a star, channeling its rejuvenating power for spiritual healing and protection.


Get yourself into a comfortable meditation position. As you close your eyes, allow the external world to fade away. Let the gentle hum of your surroundings dissolve into silence, guiding you into a tranquil place of total darkness and weightlessness. You are suspended in outer space, free from earthly constraints.

Off in the distance you see a tiny point of light. It appears no larger than a pinhead, yet it beckons you closer. As you continue to observe, the point of light begins to traverse the cosmic expanse, growing in size and brilliance as it grows nearer. Soon, it expands to the size of a golf ball, then a baseball, next a basketball, and with each passing moment, its radiance intensifies.

As the light draws near, its true nature becomes clear. It’s a star, a celestial beacon of unfathomable energy — a giver of life. The star’s gentle warmth washes over you, a nurturing embrace that dissolves negativity and dispels low vibrations from your being. You feel your ailments and worries being gently carried away by the star’s luminous currents. Your body and soul find solace in this radiant cocoon of healing light.

You feel the heat radiating from the star but it does not hurt. On the contrary, it feels great. The light forces negative energies and low vibrations out of your body. The light cleans your ailments and maladies. You bask in the protective light generated by the star. The light heals you and restores your body to the perfect state described in your DNA.

With newfound awareness, embrace the opportunity to nurture and safeguard. Put your hands out and direct the protective light and healing energies of the star toward loved ones and those in need. Tap into the prayer list at your church and send spiritual healing their way. Channel a portion of the star’s radiant energy to envelop your home, your vehicle, and your cherished possessions. Feel the soothing cocoon of light forming a shield of protection, guarding against negativity and disharmony.

Gently guide your consciousness back to your starting point, carrying with you the profound sensations of well-being and connection. As you open your eyes, remember that you hold within you the radiant power of the star, a source of healing and positivity.


The Star Healing Meditation offers a transformative journey, bridging the realms of the celestial and the personal. Through this meditation, you tap into the boundless energy of the cosmos to cleanse, heal, and uplift. Embrace this practice regularly, and let the star’s light guide you on your path to spiritual well-being.

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