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Shew, Shew, Shew, Triangle

You have probably already experienced getting messages from Spirit in the quiet times. Perhaps, when you are alone driving home from work or taking a shower. To receive messages from spirit all you really have to do is open yourself up to it. Then, when it is quiet the messages will come. You can create an opportunity to receive messages through meditation.

Here is an example of a message I received. I was walking down the rather long hallway at work on the way to the restroom. See how I am alone and it is fairly quiet just like I said above. This Spirit comes to me and I get a quick message. I basically see hands waving in three arcs and the word triangle. I think I responded like anyone would. I said, “What?” The spirit did it again and said, “Celtic Knot”.

I had not heard of a Celtic Knot before, so I Googled it on my phone real quick. The first image result was a green triangle. I have included a similar image from a royalty free clipart site.

Celtic Knot

The first thing to strike me about this incident was that the spirit did not just tell me to look up Celtic Knots. No, this spirit sold me with fancy arm waving and sounds. This spirit used something mysterious to get my attention. Works every time.

The most important concept of Celtic knots seems to apply to infinitude. There is no beginning or ending. It goes on and on and on. The second thing to note here is that the triangle might pertain to the Holy Trinity.

At this point, I do not know if I have ancestors or previous lives of Celtic decent. I do not know if I will need to help someone in the future with Celtic Knots or if it is something that I will deal with myself in the future.

Share what you know about Celtic Knots in the comments. Have you had any experiences with messages from a source other than yourself?

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