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Rainbow waterfall

Rainbow Waterfall Rain Healing Meditation


Take a moment to find a quiet space and relax. Allow the world around you to fade away. The gentle strains of a harp weave a soothing melody, beckoning you into deeper realms of meditation. As the harmonious tune envelops you, you’ll embark on a transformative journey guided by the Rainbow Waterfall Rain Healing Meditation.


Once you reach a deep state of meditation, a beautiful meadow unfolds before you. You take a minute to look around and take in the sights of the meadow around you. The scenery is breathtaking, with bushes and flowers that seem almost divinely sculpted. The meadow is alive with nature’s symphony: the hum of bees, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the essence of something truly extraordinary. You spot a path that leads to a radiant river, its waters shimmering with an ethereal light. As you walk along the path, you can’t help but notice how beautiful everything is around the meadow. This river, the life force of the meadow, is a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty bestowed upon us by a higher power.

The river and true beauty come from a higher power. Nobody had to tell you what true beauty was because our higher power defined it for us.

As your gaze travels along the river, you notice a waterfall in the distance. Drawn by an irresistible healing force, you tread the path that runs alongside the riverbank. With each step, your connection to the serenity of the surroundings deepens.

You step into the waterfall. The cool refreshing water rushes over you. You feel negativity and pain leaving your body and being washed down river to be transformed into something positive again by the earth. The water becomes a rainbow waterfall. The waterfall knows different ailments need different colors for healing. You feel each color flowing over you and doing it’s designated job. As you stand within its revitalizing flow, allow the colors to wash over you, performing their sacred work. The waterfall feels so good you just stand in it for a little bit.

pause here and take a minute to let your meditation go the direction you desire.

When you sense it’s time to return, step away from the rainbow waterfall. As you withdraw, the waterfall reverts to its natural state, as if you were never there. You follow the river back to the path and the path back to where you started. You close your eyes and the meadow disappears. You begin to hear the soft sweet harp music again. As the gentle strains of the harp music begin to resonate once more, the meadow gradually fades from your senses. Slowly, you awaken from this serene reverie, back to the realm you started from, the music accompanying your return.


Open your eyes and revel in the newfound sense of tranquility and well-being. The Rainbow Waterfall Rain Healing Meditation has offered you a passage to a world of spiritual rejuvenation, where the harmony of nature and the energy of the waterfall converge to heal, uplift, and renew. Allow this meditation to be a part of your journey, as you tap into the natural forces that can guide you towards a state of inner balance and peace.

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