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South American Pyramid

Past Life Regression Healing Meditation


The tapestry of our existence is woven with the threads of countless lifetimes, each contributing to the tapestry of who we are today. Throughout our journey, we carry the echoes of our ancestors and the experiences of past lives within our DNA. Past life regression offers a path to uncover these hidden layers of our being, offering insights, healing, and a deeper connection to the wisdom of ages past.

We often encounter unexplained patterns, fears, and emotions in our modern lives. These may stem from previous lifetimes. Past life regression allows us to delve into the reservoir of these experiences, providing a glimpse into our individual soul’s journey through time. This meditation helps us uncover those past experiences, traumas, and lessons.

Welcome to the forest

Close your eyes and find yourself amidst the tranquil embrace of a dense forest. As you tread along a meandering trail, breathe in the crisp, invigorating air. The symphony of nature surrounds you — the rustling leaves, the distant calls of animals, the gentle caress of the wind against your skin. Each step connects you to the ancient rhythm of the earth beneath your feet. Feel the serenity and peace that envelops you.

The Pyramid Temple

Emerging from the forest, you step into a serene clearing dominated by an awe-inspiring pyramid. This temple has been made sacred long ago and remains sacred to this day. Its grandeur is embellished with intricate adornments, echoing whispers of ages past. You walk up the staircase that leads you to the pyramid’s entrance, knowing that within lies a journey into your past lives. A sense of anticipation and tranquility intertwine within you as you prepare to unveil the mysteries that await. Take a moment to set your intention — whether it’s uncovering healing, receiving profound insights, understanding past personalities, discovering life themes, or seeking answers beyond. Setting your intent ahead of time is powerful. This intention will guide your experience.

The Sacred Bench

Upon reaching the pinnacle of the pyramid, you enter a hallowed chamber, enveloped in an aura of sanctity. To your left rests a stone bench, emanating a magnetic pull that draws you to its surface. Although it’s carved from stone, the bench is surprisingly comfortable and inviting. The tranquility it holds is profound, and you can sense the echoes of those who have sought solace here before you. It is very peaceful and you could come there just to sit on the bench.

The Other Chamber

Directly across from you lies a chamber concealed by a stone bearing enigmatic pictographs. A deep knowing resonates within you — it proclaims, “Past Lives.” When you are ready to explore your past incarnations, you may enter this chamber. If the chamber remains inaccessible, it signifies that the time is not yet ripe for this revelation. You feel around near the door and find a loose stone. As you push this stone inward, it grants you access to the chamber beyond.

Inside the Past Life Regression Room

Within this sacred chamber, a triangular aperture in the pyramid’s ceiling casts a radiant beam of light that pierces a serene pool of water. The light acts like a projector on the water. The water acts as a canvas for the ethereal display that is about to unfold. Normally the pool is just white from the normal light. However, if you touch the pool of water, it “powers it on”. It is influenced by your energy and intent. When you touch the surface of the water, the light animates with scenes from your past lives. This remarkable interplay of light and water reveals the stories of your ancestors, woven into the tapestry of your existence. When you’re ready, a touch of the water turns off the projection, and the chamber’s peace is restored.

Seeing is Believing

As you witness these visions from the past, trust in their authenticity. The scenes you witness are grounded in the truth, providing insights and understanding that transcend time. Embrace each revelation, knowing that it holds a piece of your soul’s journey through history. You'll know what is real and what is not real. You make progress when you believe what you see.

Going Home

Before departing, ensure that the water’s projection is stilled if you had activated it. Gently press the stone to close the chamber, sealing the sacred space for next time. Recognize that this experience is reserved for those who are prepared to delve into their past lives. As you leave the inner sanctum, pass by the comforting bench and descend the pyramid’s steps. Retrace your path through the forest, sensing the same harmonious energies that accompanied your arrival.


With your eyes open, welcome the world back into your awareness, carrying with you the profound insights and connections you’ve gained. The Past Life Regression Healing Meditation has guided you through the corridors of time, connecting you with the wisdom of your ancestors and offering healing for your present self. Embrace the echoes of history within you as you journey forward, enriched by this transformative experience.

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