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A Day in the Life of a Spiritual Person

Is there anything you could be doing in your life to be a better person?

She wakes up and looks outside and the sun is rising. She admires the sun rise as a work of God. She is filled with excitement, love, and healing as found in the light. When she looks outside, she hears the birds singing.

She does all the bathroom stuff to get ready for work and then sits down in her quiet spot for and gets centered for some meditation. She does the tree roots grounding, she surrounds herself with protection as she prepares to faces the day. Doing her meditation here replaced a bad habit she used to do in this time-slot before she was a Spiritual person.

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Gold Ornament Christmas Tree

Spiritual Interpretation of Christmas Carols

As we have been singing a few Christmas carols during this Christmas season, I cannot help but wonder if something spiritual has gotten lost over the years.

The original Joy To the World is believed to be written by Issac Watts around 1719. The great news about all these songs is you can sing it wherever you want and not worry about copyright because they are in the public domain. What I find absolutely awesome about Joy to The World is the entire premise of the song is Joy to the World. Joy is a high vibration. As Spiritualists, we do want the entire world to be Joyful. The second awesome thing about this is Heaven and nature sing. As Spiritualists, we see and feel nature singing all the time. It’s great that once a year everyone can sing about Joy and nature’s songs. One awesome thing God did was give each animal a different sound or song.

O Come All Ye Faithful also talks about the high vibrations of Joyful and Triumphant. It was probably written in the 13th century by either John of Reading or more likely John Francis Wade. The song also talks about glory to God. Worshiping God is a way to show your gratitude and thankfulness, but that was more a Thanksgiving lesson than Christmas.

Deck the Halls dates back to the 16th century and is also talking about a high vibrations. Be jolly in the third line. Put on happy clothes in the 5th line. Let your light shine by being jolly in your day to day life.

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Burning Card Trick

Is the Devil Playing Tricks on Me?

One of my favorite stories from my wife is a story of one of her first experiences with spirits.

It all started when her Grandpa died and she went to his funeral as a child. She felt his presence there. OK, that was a little weird but pretty easy to dismiss.

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Rainbow waterfall

Rainbow Waterfall Rain Healing Meditation


Take a moment to find a quiet space and relax. Allow the world around you to fade away. The gentle strains of a harp weave a soothing melody, beckoning you into deeper realms of meditation. As the harmonious tune envelops you, you’ll embark on a transformative journey guided by the Rainbow Waterfall Rain Healing Meditation.


Once you reach a deep state of meditation, a beautiful meadow unfolds before you. You take a minute to look around and take in the sights of the meadow around you. The scenery is breathtaking, with bushes and flowers that seem almost divinely sculpted. The meadow is alive with nature’s symphony: the hum of bees, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the essence of something truly extraordinary. You spot a path that leads to a radiant river, its waters shimmering with an ethereal light. As you walk along the path, you can’t help but notice how beautiful everything is around the meadow. This river, the life force of the meadow, is a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty bestowed upon us by a higher power.

The river and true beauty come from a higher power. Nobody had to tell you what true beauty was because our higher power defined it for us.

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Blue Vortex

Healing Vortex Meditation


I shared a meditation with the my group back in 2012 and it was a big hit. So, I thought I would also share it with those of you who could not be with us in Indianapolis.

The Healing Vortex Meditation offers you a unique pathway to rejuvenate your spirit, cleanse your energies, and restore a sense of balance. Step into this guided meditation to explore the healing power of a vortex, a force of transformation that clears away negativity and ushers in healing energies.

The Meditation

Begin by locating a tranquil space where you can find solace and stillness. As you settle in, turn your attention to your breath. Notice your breaths as you breathe in and out. Inhale and exhale gently, allowing each breath to draw you further into a state of relaxation. Gradually, the distractions of the world fade into the background, leaving you attuned to the rhythm of your breath and the tranquility that envelops you.

Close your eyes and take away the visual distractions around you. With each breath, feel your muscles unwinding, releasing tension, and surrendering to a state of profound calmness. To deepen your relaxation, count backward from ten, allowing each count to ease you into a state of complete relaxation.

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Woman standing on rock with prayer hands

Why Go to Church If I Can Talk to God and Spirit Myself?

One of the 5P’s to Becoming a Spiritual Person was People. You might be asking yourself why go to church if I can talk to God and the Holy Spirit myself. And if you are asking this question then you probably have some aversion to church.

Stories are one of the biggest reasons to attend a church. The very nature of Spirituality is that you are talking to God or spirits and you just can’t go around telling everyone about that. If you do tell people from some other faith, they will think you are crazy. When you get that really good story that is so wild, it will do you good to be able to tell it to someone.

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Where Did God Come From?

One of the main concepts of Spirituality is to be logical. At some point you will ask yourself, “Where did God come from?” Or perhaps you will be asked by atheists or children. Let’s explore this question.

Let’s go back to the very beginning. We tend to think of time as linear with a cause and effect. See the philosophical concept, “Argument of the first cause.” If there was nothing, then there was no cause to have the very first effect. The very first verse of the Bible talks about God creating stuff and assumes the existence of God to be a fact. It does not go into how He got there or does it? The closest thing I could find in the new testament is Acts 17:27, “… he is not far from any one of us” If he isn’t far from any one of us, then he must be everywhere because there are over 7 billion people and 1 God. Those 7 billion people are here today. He was also with each of the people on this planet in the Past. He spans all time and space. God is omnipresent which is a fancy word for everywhere at the same time.

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Succulent Plant

Advancing as a Spiritual Person - 4 More P's

In our last article about being Spiritual, we talked about How to become a Spiritual Person – 5 P Method. Here are some  more tips on becoming more Spiritual.

Past. Let go of the past. Forgive those that haunt you from your past. Holding a grudge against someone gives them power over you and your life. To quote something I saw in a meme, “Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
Positive. Being positive raises your vibration. When you raise your vibration, you are closer to the things of the spirit world. Here are some ways to raise your vibration in Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)

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Silhouette of a woman raising right hand at a beach

How to become a Spiritual Person - 5 P Method

You can use the 5P method to become more Spiritual.

Protection. You have to be protected. Take a minute to close your eyes and see yourself surrounded in white light. Be sure that the white light goes all the way around you, above you, and below your feet. Spiritual Protection alone can change your life or ruin a string of bad “luck”. White light is the simplest form of protection. Seriously, if you haven’t taken a minute to visualize yourself Spiritually protected by white light, do it now. You can also put Spiritual protection around your home, car while you drive, or anything else you would worry about. Instead of worrying, you push the worry thoughts out of your head and just protect it.
Peace. You will need to devote some time to mediation each day. You can light a candle if you feel so inclined. We believe that spirits are drawn to candles like a moth to a flame. This is just you time. Put the kids to bed or get up before them in the morning. I know from experience, that in itself is a challenge. Ask anyone else around to give you some time or go to a peaceful spot where you can close the door. You might even be able to find a peaceful spot in nature.

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Blurry group of people

Am I Crazy if I'm Hearing or Seeing Things?

Am I Schizophrenic?

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. - James 1:17 (NIV)

The things you hear and see are a good and perfect gift from an unchanging God.

My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3 (NIV)

The gift you have been given is a gift from God. It is the greatest gift and it is a hidden treasure. You are not Schizophrenic. We believe that more and more people will start hearing and seeing these things as the end of 2012 approaches. We believe that 2012 isn’t going to be the end of the world but instead a great awakening or Sylvia Browne has called it a “Thinning of the veil”.

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