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Nature Church

Comparing Different Churches

Location. Indianapolis is a pretty unique place with about 4 Spiritualist churches. They are basically all on different sides of the city. So if simply choosing the closest one and going there is enough, then more power to you.

Energy. So, you walk in the door and immediately feel something. What do you feel, is it good and welcoming? If you walk in the door and feel sick to your stomach, something is wrong here and you shouldn’t be here. If you walk in the door and feel instantly better. If you leave feeling better than ever, especially after a Spiritual Healing, you should keep coming back.

Music. A church has to have music. Music is one of the best ways to raise your vibration. Many churches sing songs out of old hymnals or homemade binders with an organist. You might find one that has modern music. You also have to wonder how legit the homemade binders are. You have to wonder how close they follow principle #7 (following laws), if they have homemade binders and you don’t see information about copyrights, public domain, being printed by permission, a CCLI license, etc.

Healing Service. One of the quickest ways to tell if a healer is good is if it seems to get hotter or cooler when you are around them. There are also cool healers but they are not near as common as healers that are hot when you are around them. If the healer asks you what’s wrong that might also be suspect. A healer who is also a medium may see Spirit guides healing the trouble spots and know where they are. A Spirit guide will probably finish with a full body healing just to be sure all is covered though. You should get up feeling better than ever before. The healing should keep you feeling better for a few days to a week.

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Gargoyle looking over city

15 Spiritual Things You Might Have In or Around Your House

1. Wind Chimes. Wind chimes are used to ward off evil. Think about how churches have bells and ring the before service. Wind chimes also promote relaxation and peace.
2. Gargoyle. Do you have a Gargoyle statue? Gargoyles are used to ward off evil also.
3. Fountain. A fountain represent the water element. In Feng Shui, the flowing water of the fountain causes positive energy flow as well.
4. Candles / Fire Pit. Spirits are drawn to a candle like a moth to a flame. You can light a candle as you say an affirmation or surround yourself with God’s white light as you light a candle. And then, what is a fire pit but a really big candle? These also represent the fire element.
5. Plants. Have you ever planted a seed and watch a plant grow. It’s a pretty spiritual experience. Plants are also good for wiping negative energy off your hands after a spiritual healing. Plants are used in Feng Shui and placed between sources of negative energy and your home almost as a source of protection.
6. Lighthouse. Monks used to man lighthouses to save lives by preventing ship wreaks. They also used their time near the spiritual ocean to study spiritual things. In modern times, a lighthouse can represent you shining the light of Jesus.

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Buddha statue on a green rock in a garden

Where Do You Go When You Meditate?

I was recently reminded that we need to go through certain exercises when we meditate. One of those exercises is going to the same place. If you keep going to the same places when you meditate, your mind knows what you expect to find when you get there.

Now to answer the question at hand, “Where do I go when I meditate?”

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Number one on orange wall

YOLO - Do You Only Live Once?

I recently learned that the young generation is throwing around the acronym YOLO which means, “You only live once.” I’ve seen this trending on twitter and as a call sign in Black Ops video games since I heard about it. This really bothered me when I read about what it means.

There are some aspects of this that I agree with. Our time here is limited. So, if you are using YOLO along with something good like giving your time to volunteer. I’m with you. If you are using it to enjoy every moment of your life, I’m still with you.

There is more to consider here though.

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Back of construction truck

The Slow Construction Truck

Life can be pretty fast paced. I have learned never to be in a hurry when driving. It is when you are in a hurry that you see other traffic as obstacles. The other traffic is really other people going through life meeting their own challenges. You must see them as people behind the wheel. Then, there is that slow moving construction truck. <! – more –> Have you ever been behind that slow moving barrier? Maybe it’s even a tractor or something as simple as an old lady driving a car.

Something slowing you down isn’t always a bad thing. Your spirit guides can intervene to keep you safe. In driving they may place multiple obstructions in your path. This goes for more than just driving. If anything in life seems more difficult than it should be, it could be your spirit guides or God trying to show you that you are on the wrong path. This might be a relationship, a job, a lemon car, or a house that seems to be falling down around you. Stop and analyze the situation. Deep down you know what’s up, your intuition knows, and you have to be awake enough to get the message.

I have also seen this flipped around the other way. I was on my way to church once and came up to a left turn at a stop sign at a busy intersection. For some reason there was no traffic. “Strange”, I thought. I turned and went over the hill. Then, I saw a whole line of traffic behind a backhoe. I just said to myself, “Praise God.”, and I made it to church with time to spare.

Whenever God or Spirit does something like that for you in your life, you should praise God. Don’t be irritated over the slow construction truck, because it might be stopping you from getting into a bad situation. You can choose to praise God and raise your vibration rather than curse the truck and send your vibration the other way.

You might also be interested in Spiritual Cleansing and Protection for your car.

Do you have any stories about a time you were slowed down and it helped you in some way? Share in the comments.

Shadow figure outside window

Who Has Hurt You the Most?

I want you to think about who hurt you the most. You got that name in your head? Ok, continue.

The other day I was thinking about nicknames in school. I got called names in school and I internalized it and was offended by it. The popular kids had nicknames too. What they did was embrace their nicknames. They put it on the back of their sports clothing. They referred to themselves by the nickname in the third person.

The difference here comes down to mostly attitude.

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Crystal ball in front of sunflower

Colored Orb Healing Meditation

Get into your meditation position. The recommended position is sitting on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Put your palms face up in your lap as this is a position of grace. I also find that laying in bed is a comfortable meditation position that seems to work for me. I also try to put my palms face up when in this position.

Close your eyes and become more relaxed with each breath. Breath in and breath out the stress of the moment. Breath in and breath out the noise around you. Breath in and breath out the thoughts and worries of the moment. You are completely relaxed.

In front of you are 6 orbs of light of different colors. Reach out and touch the red one keeping in mind red is powerful and should be used sparingly.The red orb knows when to stop. The red orb brings warmth and burns out disease. It heals you in it’s specific way.

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Neon Cross

Are Spiritual People Christians?

People who believe in Christ are Christians. But, you don’t have to believe in Christ to be a Spiritual person.

You can read about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12. These are teachings of Christ that we strongly believe in. One of my favorite passages is where John the Baptist says the he baptizes in water, but Jesus baptizes in the Holy Spirit.

On the other side of the coin, many Christians are afraid of the unknown and would claim to have nothing to do with Spiritual people. That puts me in mind of a time when I stopped at a church to ask directions to Camp Chesterfield, which is a Spiritualist Camp that is north of Indianapolis. The Christians were very helpful when I first stopped. I told them I needed directions and they seemed helpful. When I told them I was looking for Camp Chesterfield, they slowly backed away and told me I better go to a gas station for directions. It turned out that I got off I-69 one exit too soon.

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Shadow hand holding lit star in front of window

Star Healing Meditation


Experience the soothing embrace of the cosmos with the Star Healing Meditation. In this guided meditation, we journey to the depths of space, enveloped in the radiant energy of a star, channeling its rejuvenating power for spiritual healing and protection.


Get yourself into a comfortable meditation position. As you close your eyes, allow the external world to fade away. Let the gentle hum of your surroundings dissolve into silence, guiding you into a tranquil place of total darkness and weightlessness. You are suspended in outer space, free from earthly constraints.

Off in the distance you see a tiny point of light. It appears no larger than a pinhead, yet it beckons you closer. As you continue to observe, the point of light begins to traverse the cosmic expanse, growing in size and brilliance as it grows nearer.

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Woman lost in thought who looks worried

Changing Negative Thought Forms

Thoughts come out of your heart. [See also Mark 7:21]
Thoughts are things. Thoughts become words and actions. Words and actions become other peoples thoughts. Rinse and Repeat. This is great for things like blog posts and positive thoughts. Positive high vibrations should spread.
But for negative thoughts, the sooner you stop the “rinse & repeat” process, the better it is for everyone. Take worry for example. If you tell someone you are worried about something. They worry too! Rinse and Repeat. Can you think of a huge example of this?

Protection. To combat a thought of worry, dread, fear, uncertainty, or doubt give it to God. You can write it down and put it in the Bible. You could write it down and throw it in a fire. You could surround the object of worry in the white light, a guardian angel, or your chosen protection. Once it is protected, you no longer have to worry.

Cleansing. We often talk about light and the power of the sun. You can cleanse your mind by hurling negative thoughts into the sun. You could make a habit of cleansing thoughts when you shower or wash your hands. You could visualize cleaning up a thought form with soap & bubbles.

Affirmations. I always thought as affirmations as something scary or cult-like. It turns out they are just positive thoughts that you can repeat or use to replace negative thoughts. You can search other peoples affirmations or write your own affirmations.

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