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Witch Sweeping

Is the Law of Attraction Witchcraft?

The Law of Attraction is a natural universal law. That means it is as constant as the Law of Gravity. You would not call the Law of Gravity witchcraft. The short answer is no, but there is a correlation between the Law of Attraction and witchcraft. Most spells in witchcraft start with a ritual of some sort. This could be an incantation, candle lighting, potion, or other ritual. What the ritual does is put intent out into the universe. Then, someone practicing witchcraft will believe the spell will work. The originator of the spell may also have an emotional response to the ritual and belief that it will come true. That emotional response will also work with the Law of Attraction. The stronger the emotional response, the faster the desired result will be attracted via the emotional guidance system. The emotional guidance system is your link to your higher self. When the emotion is positive, you are doing what your Higher Self would want you to do.

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Lonely tree in a grassy area

Unique Ways to Research Your Family Tree

When I read The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy, it purposed that you come up with a hypothesis and then try to find records that match that hypothesis. I do not think this is the most efficient method and I want to share with you some of the unique ways that I research.

My method is to find as many records as I can for an individual. I started out with which might have been where this method began to develop. Ancestry with its constant leaves popping up and the very human way of clearing those leaves to make “progress”, you end up attaching a lot of records. After a while, you realize that there is never really a way to clear leaves. Your tree expands infinitely in nearly all directions. You end up getting into an infinite loop of collecting as many records as possible. It is great that the internet has enabled us to do this. I think the other method of researching was based on limited time and limited availability of records.

After a while though you need to take the search offline. I once wrote Ancestry and asked if there was a way to query my tree. I wanted things like: everyone that died in Ohio or everyone that was married in Indiana. They told me that I would have to buy their Family Tree Maker software to have that kind of searching ability. Wrong answer, I pay them enough in subscription money.

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Colored fire over bucket

11 Spiritual Things You May Have Around Your Garden

We previously shared spiritual things you may have around your home. There may be some overlap, but there are some new things here too.

1. Gargoyle. Gargoyles are used to ward off evil.
2. Wind Chimes. Used to ward off evil like church bells.
3. Fountain. In Feng Shui, the flowing water of the fountain causes positive energy flow as well. If you are trying to cover each element, a fountain is a great way to incorporate the water element.
4. Fire Pit or Tiki Torches. May be included for the element of fire.
5. Plants. Protection and beauty. One thing I always say about beauty is that noone has to tell you what is beautiful. You just know as if it was imprinted by God. Plants also thrive when they are in the belt of Spiritual protection around your home.
6. Lighthouse. Symbolizes the search for truth and in a more traditional Christian sense, shining light of God/Jesus.

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Do not touch warning sign

Warning Signs of Dangerous Groups of People

Spiritual people naturally venture out into many groups of people to find knowledge, wisdom, and especially truth. As we venture into new groups and meet new people, we should know some keys to recognizing harmful groups of people.

They lead by fear


  • “Burn in hell.”
  • “Enemy of church (apostate)”
  • “If you leave, judgment will come upon you double.”
  • “God’s wrath will be upon you if you do this or that."
  • Spiritual warfare (good vs evil) to justify violence and control”

Truth: Hell and the Devil were invented by man to scare you into doing what they wanted. God is a loving God. Love is a high vibration. Fear is a low vibration. True Spiritual warfare involves being positive and keeping a high vibration.

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Heart hands over pregnant belly

The Law of Attraction Mother God Style

I started out approaching Spiritual things from the Law of Attraction side. The Law of Attraction is pretty simple: think or desire it, speak or write it down, it will be attracted to your life. It also states that when there is strong emotion your desire will be attracted quicker.

So, recently I was reading a Sylvia Browne Book. God, Creation, and Tools for Life (Journey of the Soul Series: Book 1). The book was talking about how Mother God is the emotional side of God.

First, the book made me think about the Law of Balance/Polarity.

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Bible on a rock in the woods

Is Everything You Believe In One Book?

Sorry, but no. We believe that there is one God. That one God shared His truth with all the religions and belief systems of the world. We believe in the Bible and other sacred texts.

Religion seems to be about seeking the best set of rules. And then putting those rules into their sacred book. Islam has the Koran. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has the Book of Mormon. Christianity has the Bible.

Some people set out to find a church that fits them perfectly. To fit them perfectly the church must fit into their rules and add some other useful rules. But, it turns out that the never changing rule book doesn’t exist.

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Curious toddler using monoscope

Why Are Spirits Interested in Us?

Purpose. They have elected to be our guides. These guides are just doing their job as they interact with those of us on Earth. Your core guides are a teacher, protector, healer, joy guide, and master teacher.

Compassion. Some spirits that come to us, have lived lives too. They know how hard it is and they want us to succeed. So, they help us. This is especially true of family members. Once they pass over, they are more accessible. They have more time to help us; because, there is no notion of time on the other side.

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Woman Flipping Bible Pages

I Don't Know Enough About the Bible for Church.

I have heard there might be some people out there who are afraid of going to church because they do not know enough about the Bible. Consider my mind blown. That is more of a reason to go to church. Church’s job is to teach you about Spiritual things including the Bible.

I am reminded of the purpose of stained glass windows. They were put in for the church to share Bible stories with those that could not read. They were put in so the person preaching could refer to them during the sermon. I guess now we have many tools to help teach about the Bible like movies, songs, and more.

One of the nice thing about being Spiritual is that the Bible is only one of our “sacred texts”. We couldn’t possibly expect you to know multiple texts like that inside and out.

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Orange Car

Spiritual Cleansing and Protection for Your Car

Spiritual Cleansing

Start with a cleansing. The most common method of Spiritual cleansing is smudging. Do the smudging by passing some sage or incense through all the spaces in the car. Be sure to get the glove box, trunk, and any other storage areas. If you do the engine compartment, please do it with the engine off and be careful.

Spiritual Protection

Every-time you get in your car, surround the car in the Holy White Light. I’ve also heard it called the Christ Light. The Spiritual Protection here is dual purpose, it protects you from accidents and it also protects the car from mechanical malfunction or break down.

If you are not comfortable with visualizing white light or protection, you can ask for protection from your Angels and Guides. Again, if you are comfortable with more traditional protection, you could also use a Protection Prayer:

Bless this car, driver, and all who ride in it, may the wheels run true and engine purr, in traveling on the roads, may I be ever alert, moving safely from my start, to my destination.

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Linked neon lights in parking garage

Pillar of White Light Friday

Does it bother you that people call the day after Thanksgiving Black Friday? It bothers me because your expectation has a lot to do with how life plays out. If you expect that it will be a bad day, it will be a bad day. It is part of the Law of Attraction. You think it, say it, do it, attract more of it. Even the vary act of going from thinking it to saying it is attracting more of it.

I purpose an alternate approach this year. Join me in calling it pillar of white light Friday. Let’s set our expectations on the positive and that we will spread the light.

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