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Angel in nature

Angel Healing with Raphael


Explore the realm of Angel healing guided by the compassionate Archangel Raphael. In this article, we’ll delve into the profound aspects of Raphael’s healing energy, his purpose, and how you can connect with him for your well-being.

Archangel Raphael: The Healing Angel

Raphael is the healing angel. His name means “God heals” or “God has healed”. His color is Emerald Green, a healing color. Raphael extends his compassionate aid to those in need—whether they grapple with physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual struggles. He always says “yes” to requests for help. But, you have to ask him for help because he respects free will. Raphael, like all angels, fulfills the will of God. Raphael works to bring people closer to God through healing. He’s often associated with joy and laughter which are also great for healing. Raphael works with other healers such as Jesus and saints. He’s non-denominational. No matter what your faith, you can call on Raphael. Raphael also works to heal animals and the earth. Raphael is often depicted in art holding a caduceus. The caduceus is a rod with wings and snakes wrapped around it. This staff represents the medical profession. You often see this on ambulances as part of the blue star of life.

Raphael’s role transcends boundaries, encompassing the diverse spectrum of human experiences. While his nurturing wingspan reaches across various dimensions of healing, his dedication to preserving free will mandates that you invite his assistance willingly. Aligning with the divine will, Raphael catalyzes the healing journey, fostering a connection to the divine source.

Types of Angels

Sylvia Browne paints a different picture in her book, “Book of Angels”. She talks about many different types of angels adding up to trillions total. This is a beautiful notion that means there are plenty of angels for everyone.

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South American Pyramid

Past Life Regression Healing Meditation


The tapestry of our existence is woven with the threads of countless lifetimes, each contributing to the tapestry of who we are today. Throughout our journey, we carry the echoes of our ancestors and the experiences of past lives within our DNA. Past life regression offers a path to uncover these hidden layers of our being, offering insights, healing, and a deeper connection to the wisdom of ages past.

We often encounter unexplained patterns, fears, and emotions in our modern lives. These may stem from previous lifetimes. Past life regression allows us to delve into the reservoir of these experiences, providing a glimpse into our individual soul’s journey through time. This meditation helps us uncover those past experiences, traumas, and lessons.

Welcome to the forest

Close your eyes and find yourself amidst the tranquil embrace of a dense forest. As you tread along a meandering trail, breathe in the crisp, invigorating air. The symphony of nature surrounds you — the rustling leaves, the distant calls of animals, the gentle caress of the wind against your skin. Each step connects you to the ancient rhythm of the earth beneath your feet. Feel the serenity and peace that envelops you.

The Pyramid Temple

Emerging from the forest, you step into a serene clearing dominated by an awe-inspiring pyramid. This temple has been made sacred long ago and remains sacred to this day. Its grandeur is embellished with intricate adornments, echoing whispers of ages past. You walk up the staircase that leads you to the pyramid’s entrance, knowing that within lies a journey into your past lives. A sense of anticipation and tranquility intertwine within you as you prepare to unveil the mysteries that await. Take a moment to set your intention — whether it’s uncovering healing, receiving profound insights, understanding past personalities, discovering life themes, or seeking answers beyond. Setting your intent ahead of time is powerful. This intention will guide your experience.

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Looking up through trees in a forest

Forest Healing Meditation


In the embrace of nature’s sanctuary, healing awaits. The Forest Healing Meditation invites you to embark on a transformative journey through a lush forest, guided by the wisdom and energies of the ancient trees and creatures that inhabit this sacred realm. Allow the sights, sounds, and energies of the forest to envelop you as you open your heart and mind to the profound healing powers of nature.

Palms Toward Spirit

Begin by finding a comfortable spot for your meditation. Whether it’s a chair, pew, or couch, ensure your feet rest flat on the ground, and turn your palms upward. This is a position of grace. This posture, with your palms facing the heavens, signifies your openness to both receive and share energies from the realm of Spirit or Heaven. With your palms facing up, both your sending and receiving hand are facing up toward the direction most commonly associated with Spirit or Heaven. You are poised to harmonize with the flow of heavenly energy.


With intention, sink into relaxation. Breath is very powerful for without it we wouldn’t last 3 minutes. Breath is associated with Prana, Chi, and the Breath of Life. It is very spiritual. You can use it to get centered faster. Breathe deeply, inhaling the life-giving force that sustains us all. Exhale swiftly through your nose. This gets the stagnant air out of the bottom of you lungs and I find that it help me relax fast. Repeat this process three times. Slow full breath in, fast breath out. And the final third time, slow complete breath in and exhale fast. Feeling the rhythm of your breath guiding you into centeredness and presence.

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Woman standing in sun

Keep Your Chakras in Tip-Top Shape with Chakra Healing

What are Chakras?

Chakra comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “center”. They are the energy centers of your body. The interesting thing is when you look at Acupuncture, all the chakras are on the main meridian which runs from your head to the base of your spine. Acupuncture comes from the Chinese and Chakras come from India. I love finding similarities in something from different cultures. It resonates as truth for me when that happens. Chakras are the energy centers of your body.

Healing with Stones

If you have never worked with stones before, it is important to note that tumbled stones are considered weaker than natural stones. The points which project their energy have been worn off. You should also cleanse your stones before using them. You can heal your chakras using stones which correspond to the energies of each chakra. You will want to lay down in a comfortable place and place a stone on each chakra. If doing this on yourself, I recommend you get all the stones in your hand, place the stones at the lower chakras first, and gradually lay back as you place your stones. Here are some of the most effective correspondences of chakras and stones:

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Pencils with yellow background

How to Write Great Affirmations

Great affirmations are positive, present tense, sentences that inspire a strong belief. Under the Law of Attraction, once you believe, you receive.


Affirmations absolutely must be positive. I was reading a book last night that was doing it wrong. That book inspired this post. If you write an affirmation like, “I banish all disease from my body.” You have the negative word disease in the affirmation. You are still attracting disease through the Law of Attraction. A better affirmation would be to turn disease around to health. “Every cell of my body is better every day.” Notice the word better here. Even a healthy cell can get better.

In the Now

Affirmations should be in the present tense. The universe is so obedient that if you make an affirmation in the future, it will always be in the future. Here is an example of a future affirmation: “I am going to be rich.” That affirmation is always in the future. It shows a lack of belief that you will be rich because it is in the future. You want to bring that into the present. Personally I use, “I live a life of abundance.” This helps you believe that you are living it now.

A word of caution on the “life of abundance” affirmation. While using this affirmation daily, I horribly lost a card game where low score wins. Abundant points did not serve me well there. A better money affirmation would be, “Money comes to me easily and often from multiple sources.”

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Woman leaning on wall covering her mouth

Overcoming Shyness with the Law of Attraction

Ever since I read Louise Hay’s Book, You Can Heal Your Life, I have been saying that applying the Law of Attraction to yourself should be the first thing anyone learns about the Law of Attraction. Louise asks the tough questions like what thoughts did you bring to adulthood from your childhood? Who told you these things? Do those thoughts still serve you? You must first love yourself. You are beautiful. You are loving. You are a spiritual being on a human journey.

If anyone has told you otherwise, turn that thought around and create an affirmation that does serve you. I look in the mirror and see a beautiful, confident person. #Affirmation The next step can happen when you are in a group where you must shed the shyness. Look around the event for a person that looks uncomfortable. Find the person that you know exactly how they feel. Approach that person and say hello. What you have just done for them is make that person feel like they belong while at the same time making yourself feel like you belong. You have attracted exactly what you intended to attract. By making it your goal to make someone feel more comfortable, you have attracted that and you feel more comfortable too.

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Girl meditating outside on yellow mat

6 Ways to Center Yourself Faster in Meditation

I was recently asked about ways to center oneself faster during meditation. I thought it would make a great topic to share with all of you. Here are six ways to reach that deep state of meditation faster.

The most important thing in meditation is that one thing does not work for everyone. There are many different reasons to meditate and many different ways to do it. I find myself saying repeatedly that you have to find what works for you. You know what repetition means, right? It means it is important. Try these and find what works for you.

Train Your Mind. I have a meditation where I go to a room that is all wood. The ceilings and walls are made of wood plants. It has a hardwood floor. The room is light on furniture, but what furniture is there is wood. This room is a clean room where I shed all the energy.

Sound. The use of a Tibetan bowl is also a quick way to get centered. You can either ring the bowl by hitting it on the side or you can play the bowl by rubbing the rim. Either way, the sound will help what is around you fall away. Alternatively, you could try meditation CDs. Perhaps the sound of nature will help you more.

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Rows of lit candles

The Middle of the Night Candles

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and your mind is racing? Here is why. On the other side, there is no concept of time. To them, when you are sleeping it is just a time when you are not too busy to listen to them. The “racing” part is just the high vibration of the other side. With the higher vibration, things come in fast. Almost too fast to write down. You can ask them to slow down or hold on as you get something to write with or just wake up.

A few years ago, I was disturbed from my slumber in this very way. The spirit said, “You know that event that is coming up soon. You have got to have some stuff prepared.”

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Number 99

Numerology of the Number Nine


I recently had a dream involving the search for meaning of something that involved the number nine. As I researched the topic, I discovered that the number 9 was the most significant part of this topic. This blog post contains some of the really interesting things I have found.


  • Universal love
  • Universal Spiritual Laws
  • Spiritual enlightenment or Awakening
  • Charitable and philanthropy
  • Generous
  • Helpful
  • Compassionate
  • Self-improvement
  • Higher purpose
  • Intuition


Nine times another number reduces to nine. It takes over. Nine plus another number reduces back to the other number (or what the other number reduces to).

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When Do You Receive the Holy Spirit?

This is an interesting concept because God is omnipresent, meaning everywhere at the same time. Technically we are already inside of God. You could call that part of God that is in the same place as us the Holy Spirit.

Even though the Holy Spirit is already there, you do not know it. You do not feel it. I believe the reason for this is free will. That gives us a couple more options. The Holy Spirit could enter us the moment we become believers or when we ask for it to enter us. This former was true for me. I remember crying when I was saved. I asked another believer, “Why the tears”. I was told it is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is strong emotion. Based on that experience I would agree that we receive the Holy Spirit the moment we become believers. The technical term for this is indwelling.

Sylvia Browne says that Mother God is very much like the Holy Spirit in Christianity. That strong emotion in the experience of being saved fits perfectly with that.

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