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Law of Attraction for More Money

Law of Attraction Tools

Gratitude. Gratitude is the first thing in this article because it should always be the first thing. It should be the first thing in your prayers. It should be the first thing in your requests for the universe. The reason it should be first is because when you are grateful, you attract more of those things that you are grateful for.

I am grateful for the money I have.

Affirmations. These little guys are one of my favorite tools. They are so easy to come up with. It is just a phrase or sentence that embodies your intent. As you repeat an affirmation to yourself over and over again, you can change a negative though pattern to a align with your intent. It doesn’t have to be a negative thought form either. It can just be a though pattern that does not serve you anymore. It does not align with your new intent.

Money easily comes to me passively from multiple sources.

Visualizations and Meditations. Seeing what you desire is really powerful tool too.
When you visualize what you want, it triggers emotion. The Law of Attraction works on emotion. The stronger the emotion associated with your desire, the better the Law of Attraction works. Write your own meditations that lead you somewhere you can visualize more money.

Here is a quick meditation. Visualize yourself walking into the treasury where they are printing money. Add in some long corridors to allow your mind to get into the right place with the meditation. Eventually, you come upon a loading dock. You sign for giant pallet of money and load it up in your truck. It’s yours. You drive away with it. When you reach your destination with it, you can end the meditation.

Letters to the Universe. Another tool is a letter to the universe. You start off with gratitude, throw in your desire for more passive income, then sign off with love. Then, send it off to the universe. If you want to learn more about Letters to the Universe, check out our Letters to the Universe Guide.

Segment Intending. This is a really cool concept and a powerful technique. If you think about your day there are different segments. My typical day would look like: get ready for work, drive to work, work, eat lunch, work, break, work, drive home, chillax, get ready for bed and lock up house, sleep. Each of those things are segments. So, with segment intending, I would think, visualize, and say what I intended for each segment. For example, when driving, my intent would be for safe travels. Try segment intending and let me know how it works for you in the comments.

Vision Boards. If you have trouble visualizing in meditation. You can also use pictures to visualize. Tack up pictures of the things you desire on a bulletin or magnetic board. Put it somewhere that you will see it often to keep your intent focused on receiving those things. But, why spend money on a board. This post is about more money, right? See the next point.

Power Wall. You don’t need a board though. You can tape pictures to your power wall. The power wall is the first wall that you see when you wake up. My power wall is where the TV is in my bedroom. True story, when Taco Bell had their promotion where they were giving away gold PS4’s. I put the front of the box with the picture on it up on my power wall. As a result of looking at it every morning, my vibrations aligned with having it. I kept using the affirmation that, “It would be ironic if I won it because I had recently bought a PS4.” The universe liked it and I won one.

Law of Attraction Steps

1. Ask. You have to ask for what you want from the Universe. Use the tools above to ask. Use the tools in various combinations and see what works best for you. Let me know what works for you in the comments.

2. Believe. After you ask, you need to believe. This is probably the hardest part. Once you start to believe, things around you start to change. You realize that you may have to give up something to get what you asked for. In the case of more money, maybe a new higher paying job falls into your lap. Maybe it’s a contract job and you wanted full time. There is a build in time delay to ensure that you mean business. You can change your thought patterns and ask for something different if you can’t deal with the change that comes along with your want or need.

3. Receive. If you make it through the turmoil that comes from wanting something that requires a big change in your life, you will receive what you asked for.

Notable People

The thing I love about the Law of Attraction is that there were many people in the past that learned about it. They may not have called it the same thing, but they figured out it is power. Check out these quotes.

All that we have is a result of what we have thought. - The Buddha

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. - Albert Einstein

What Not to Do

Stock chart on computer screen.

Gaming the Market. I tried multiple things with Robinhood. You can invest in stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies fee free. I pretty much broke even with Robinhood. In order to make money in the markets, you’ll be best served to put money in and let it sit.

Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house. - Proverbs 6:31 (NIV)

Stealing. Personally, I believe that bad Karma comes back to you 7 fold. The 7 times thing is based on Bible verses Genesis 4:15 and Proverbs 6:31.

Trade Time for Money. OK. Saying not to trade time for money is probably not entirely accurate. What you have to do is start out by trading time for money. Then, you take other people’s money, save it up, and put it somewhere that it can become passive income. I wish I would have known this 20 years ago. If you are trying to break the cycle of debt or just starting out, get those side gigs and milk them to pay that debt and build your savings. There’s more about that below under “what worked for me”.

The reason I put this under What not to Do is because it is not a long term strategy for building wealth. As long as you work for someone else, you cannot make more than the market will bear for that type of work. Read on to learn more about building a passive income.

Scattered black, red, white, blue, and green poker chips

Gambling. My experience has been that I can win small amounts of money gambling. This is especially true if I have good Karma coming. I have said before that Karma is where luck and opportunity meet. Gambling aligns perfectly with luck, because the odds are stacked against you.

The old adage that you should quit while you are ahead is true. But, it is only possible if you are winning from the start. That can give you a false sense of security. On the other had, if you go in and loose right away, then you are playing catch up. In the end, gambling is designed to take your money. Gambling has cost me more than it has won me. Avoid gambling.

Bonus: What Worked for Me

Giving. This is so counter intuitive, but this has worked for me. I believe Karma is involved. But, I also think it is the power of the number 9. Generosity breads more generosity.

When I was running the church, my boss would randomly invite me out to lunch and give me unexpected raises.

Personally, I believe that good Karma comes back to you 10 fold. You can turn around a streak of bad luck with good Karma.

I suggest donating 10% of your income to a charity in order to maintain your income.

Saving. This is the only way to get out of the rat race. The system is designed to keep you working for your whole life. You have to put up as much as 40% of your income. But saving alone will not net you enough money. The banks interest even on High Yield savings accounts does not even keep up with inflation. See the next point to multiply your saved money.

Investing Long Term I mentioned above that you should not try to game the market. The average person just does not have the expertise to do that. I sure don’t. I am an expert in both web development and spiritual things. That is where I have devoted most of my lifetime. That is where tools that take the guesswork out of investing come in.

Blogging. Blogging brings me in a small amount of passive income from affiliate ads. Ultimately you need to find a way to bring in passive income. That’s income where you are not trading time for money. I meant you have to start out trading time for money. Then, you save a boatload of that cash and invest in ways that will make you passive income. That is either stocks like above or real estate like below.

Appartment building with modern overhang

Apartments. OK. So, I cannot really say this has worked for me. Yet! But, it is the next thing I’m going to try. The way I figure it, as long as you put enough down, an apartment complex will make you passive income. To quote Grant Cardone, “You have to chase the deal.” You have to make the deal work.

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