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Burning Card Trick

Is the Devil Playing Tricks on Me?

One of my favorite stories from my wife is a story of one of her first experiences with spirits.

It all started when her Grandpa died and she went to his funeral as a child. She felt his presence there. OK, that was a little weird but pretty easy to dismiss.

Later her Grandpa came to her in her room as if he were white light in his former shape. He told her that he had gone to a better place and was going to miss her. He also told her that he would see her again when it was her time.

This whole experience was a bit out of the norm. So, she did what any of us would have done when we were younger. She went to an elder and asked about it. She was told the devil was playing tricks on her and she should forget it ever happened.

I do not believe this was the devil playing tricks on her. She felt a positive calming presence at a funeral. She saw a good white light and none of the words spoken even have a hint of anything devilish. You can use your logic when evaluating events like this. How could this be anything of the devil if nothing bad happened or was said?

As Spiritual people, we know that you are born alone, and you are surrounded by loved ones when you go through the change called death. This story is great because it provides confirmation of being surrounded by loved ones straight from one of her loved ones.

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