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Is Everything You Believe In One Book?

Sorry, but no. We believe that there is one God. That one God shared His truth with all the religions and belief systems of the world. We believe in the Bible and other sacred texts.

Religion seems to be about seeking the best set of rules. And then putting those rules into their sacred book. Islam has the Koran. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has the Book of Mormon. Christianity has the Bible.

Some people set out to find a church that fits them perfectly. To fit them perfectly the church must fit into their rules and add some other useful rules. But, it turns out that the never changing rule book doesn’t exist.

God has slowly trickled spiritual knowledge throughout the ages. Take for instance the Golden Rule which God placed in all beliefs in some form or another. The same is true of Angels. But, there are other things that are only found in 3 or 4 religions. Still others that are only found in 1 or 2. If we discount the latest messages from God, we are missing out on a deep profound relationship with God.

God has also been restricted in what he can share by the current beliefs of the people in the world. Take for instance Mother God. When man believed in the dominance of man, God was only a male God. Our modern beliefs now include the belief that all are created equal. Equality was something that Jesus taught, perhaps to intentionally pave the way for Mother God. Thus, man was ready for Mother God to be revealed. While Father God is the logical side, Mother God is the caring side.

The sad thing is, as God reveals new truths, it causes divisions. I started to see it in Acts 10. Right after the gospels in the Bible where Jesus rises again, people start this division. Peter had a vision from God about unclean meat being acceptable again. Some people believed him and others did not.

Spirituality has no central book. Personally, I got my start in Christianity. So, I refer to the Bible a lot. But I believe in “the Bible and other sacred texts.” I am open to other sacred texts not yet revealed to man by God. Spirituality is more about the freedom we have to ask God, Angels, Spirit Guides, Totem Animals, or other spirits. We can ask them anything and get answers to our questions quickly.

Some of the other Sacred Texts on my list are: The Vedas, Dead Sea Scrolls, Pyramid Texts, Tao Te Ching, Avesta, Bhagavad Gita, Emerald Tablets, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Granth, Upanishads, and the Zohar.
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