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Complete Guide to Spiritual Protection


This guide will walk you through several different tools and techniques for Spiritual Protection. You can use these tools and techniques to protect yourself, your family, your home, your car, or anything that needs safeguarding. To adapt the Spiritual Protection for your needs, you just need to change the technique to put your needs front and center.

Spiritual Protection can work in conjunction with the Law of Attraction to help you be more positive. If you feel protected, then you will have fewer negative thoughts like worry and fear.


If you are not familiar with affirmations, these are phrases that you can repeat to yourself in your mind. The more you repeat them, the more power they have. The more emotion involved as you use them, the more power they have. That’s because the Law of Attraction is stronger with stronger emotion. Taken to the next level, an incantation is an affirmation that is spoken out loud.

May pure white light envelop me.

I intend to reach my destination safely.

I am safe and protected.

If you need more affirmations, check out my post on writing great affirmations.


If you want to kick your affirmations or incantations up another notch, you can use decrees. Decrees are so powerful that they only need to be spoken once.

By Divine Decree, in the name of all that is Holy, I am protected from all that would cause me harm.

Armor of God

The Bible talks about putting on the armor of God. I like this because this armor comes with the power of God. It also has a nice visual imagery to go with it. You could go into a full mediation and visualize putting this armor on. Also, check out our other meditations.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. - Ephesians 6:10-11 (NIV)

White Light Protection

My personal favorite is the white light protection. I bet you could tell by the way it made it into my affirmations above. You will probably feel the same way when you realize how versatile it is. You can use it for anything. You can use it for your home, car, children, yourself, or otherwise.

It is also easy. Just surround whatever you want to protect in a white light bubble. It is as easy as locking your car doors with the key fob. In fact, that is precisely what I do. First, I lock my car with the key fob. Then, I pause for a second and visualize the car surrounded in white light for protection.

Think of it like a hard egg shell that protects you, your family, or your possessions.

Angels & Spirit Guides

Another approach to Spiritual Protection is to ask for help. In meditation, ask Angels, your Spirit guide, or both to act as your bodyguard and provide protection.

A good angel for protection is Raphael. You may remember Raphael as the healing angel. You can call upon Raphael in meditation or prayer and ask him for protection.

Statues of angels can be used as Wards in your home or garden. When we ran the church, we had an angel statue near the entrance to the church. This statue was given the purpose of protecting the church. It was kind of creepy when you would come in and see that it was moved.

Other than Angels & Guides, you can call upon your ancestors for protection. It is the same process. Call upon them in meditation or prayer and ask them to keep an eye out for you.

Herbs for Protection

Cinnamon. Cinnamon sticks tied over your door is a way to protect your home.

Heather. White Heather flowers symbolize protection. White Heather flowers can be worn in the hair or on a bonnet.

Thistle. Thistle can be sprinkled around your home for protection as a dried herb or as a liquid tea.

Thyme. Thyme is used to protect family members. For example, place a sprig in the pocket of a child for protection while at school. Elderly family members can also benefit from a sprig in their pockets for protection.

Valerian. Valerian can be carried with you in a sachet, amulet, or talisman. It is believed to protect from evil and magic. Place sachets around the house to protect the home, especially from lightning strikes. Place it in a pillow to promote good sleep. Place it in a shoe to protect you wherever you go.

Bay Leaves. Bay Leaves can be burnt with sage during a space cleansing for protection. For example, to protect your home, burn bay leaves near the doors and windows. You can leave the ashes there for additional protection.

Blackberry. The thorny branches and vines of Blackberry can be woven together into a wreath to be used for protecting your home. The leaves and thorns can be put into a sachet to be carried with someone for protection.

Mint. Mints leaves can be placed in a pocket or shoe for protection. You may also find that some of the foot powders on the market have a minty smell.

Frankincense. Burning Frankincense resin brightens an area by releasing powerful vibrations that force out negativity.

Rosemary. I tend to think of Rosemary as a Christmas Decoration. A Rosemary wreath can protect your home.

Mugwort. A sachet of Mugwort hung over the door will protect your home. But do not take it with you as this will instead increase lust and fertility.

Crystals and Stones

For use in a space such as a house or a car, place that stone in that space. For use with a person, have that person carry the crystals or stones with them. It helps to have a little bag to carry your stones.

Smooth stones have less energy than rough stones. This makes perfect sense when you think about it. With wands, staffs, and obelisks, energy is focused to the point. It is a concept in Feng Shui as well. So, by smoothing the stones, we lessen their power. However, this is not always a bad thing. There are times we want a stone with less power, especially when carrying it with us at all times.

Tree Amber. Tree Amber, like the kind with bugs in it, is known to be charged with the sun’s energy and makes a good protection talisman.

Apache Tear. Apache Tear, which is a type of obsidian stone, is attributed powers of psychic protection because it absorbs negative energy.

Chrysoprase. Chrysoprase is used for protection and to bring about a feeling of joy. It also helps with greed, jealousy, selfishness, and stress.

Dalmatian Jasper. Dalmatian Jasper aids in psychic protection due to black tourmaline energy in the spots.

Fire Agate. Fire Agate has an energy that not only protects but also returns negative energy. This is nice when you have someone specific that has a long history of giving you reasons to put up protection.

Flint. Flint is useful for placing in doorways and on windowsills for protection. Flint can also be placed on an altar for protection.

Hematite. Hematite is my favorite grounding stone, but it is also beneficial for protection.

Jasper. Jasper is another protective stone because it eliminates negativity. Carry it with you for protection and cleansing.

Jet. Jet is also a protective stone. It is a little harder to come by. But, it will help with depression and stabilize finances.

Labradorite. Labradorite has the energy of both the sun and the moon. It will give you strength for challenges, and it will also heal voids in the aura.

Lapis Lazuli. Lapis Lazuli is another one of my favorite stones. It is a beautiful blue color, but it is protective on both physical and psychic levels. But wait, there is more. It is also appropriate for enhancing psychic powers. The only downside to Lapis is that it is a little more expensive than most stones.

Malachite. Malachite is great protection for children, family, and loved ones.

Merlinite. Merlinite is a protective stone for meditation, astral travel, and journeying.

Did I miss out on any protective stones? Let me know in the comments.

Spiritual Tools

Animal Furs. Some animal furs have a protective quality. For example, wolf’s hair, lion’s hair, and bear’s fur have protective qualities.

Horseshoe. The horseshoe is known as a good luck charm if hung above a door. That is another way of saying it will provide a good energy to a space that is like protection.

Bagua Mirror. The Bagua Mirror is hardcore. It is an item that comes from Feng Shui. It should only be used if there are bad energies directed specifically at your home. It should not be used as a decoration. An example of bad energies would be like if your home was at the end of a cul-de-sac or T-Intersection. All the energy coming straight down the road is going in your front door. Another example would be a sharp structure pointed at your home. Remember, points focus energy. A Bagua Mirror should be used on the outside of your home. Traditionally, the Feng Shui Bagua Mirror is placed above the front door or above a big window that is facing questionable outside energies.

Bells & Chimes. Do you ever wonder why wind chimes have a pleasant sound? It’s because they have positive energies. Our bodies are great at picking up on energies. The things that stink or make you want to throw up are negative energies. The pleasant things are good energies. Bells, including church bells, are used to ward off evil.

Mezuzah. A mezuzah is a Jewish protective charm. It does not have to be made out of anything specific nor decorated a certain way. It is what is inside that counts. It usually contains scripture or prayer. They are typically attached at the top right-hand side of a door. This can be the font door or an interior door. It should be placed at a slight angle, with the top of the Mezuzah pointing toward the inside of the room and the bottom pointing away.

Nazar Amulet. Another protective amulet that comes from the Greek/Turkish culture is the Nazer. The Nazar is a blue-eyed crystal amulet in the shape of a concentric circle or a teardrop. Nazar means “sight” or “seeing” in Arabic. When I think Nazar, I think about an eye. It’s typically dark blue, white, and light blue, with a black dot in the middle. It is also known as the Mal de ojo.

Hamsa Drawing

Hamsa. Pictured above, the Hamsa is a hand-shaped amulet for protection. It is believed to protect against the evil eye. For protecting a person, it can be used as a symbol on a necklace. For protecting a space, it can be used above your door, on your door, or even on a wall.

Rowan. Rowan branches can be bound with red thread and placed above the door to your home for Spiritual Protection and Inspiration. Rowan is also known as the “Mountain Ash.”

Arrowheads. Arrowheads over your door are believed to protect from burglars. They are said to keep burglars from entering your home. However, the point on the arrowhead wouldn’t align very well with Feng Shui. So, I’m a bit torn on the effectiveness of Arrowheads. Can anyone comment on that below?

Bamboo Flutes. Living bamboo flutes in your home can provide spiritual protection.

Tiki. Tikis were sometimes used to mark sacred or significant sites. Their big scary mouths are intended to frighten away evil spirits.

Obelisk. Obelisks, like church steeples, are a form of Spiritual Protection.

Do you have any protection tools not mentioned here? Let me know in the comments.


Black. Black is one of my favorite protective colors. Do you know how a black shirt will get hot in the summer sun? That is because it absorbs the energy from the sun. You do not see any of the colors bouncing back off the black shirt. In much the same way as it works with the sun’s energy, it works with other energies. Wear black clothing to create a barrier between yourself and the outside world. Perhaps this is why we traditionally wear black clothing to funerals when everyone is sad, and spirits are sure to be around.

Orange. Orange is a protective color. You can combine protective colors with other methods of protection. For example, you could get a little orange bag to store your protective stones. You could wear an orange shirt and keep a sachet of protective herbs in your pocket for a double whammy.

White. We talked about the white light protection earlier. That is because white has protective qualities. Think of white light like purity. It will purify negativity before it gets to you. White light has all colors already, so when you add in another color, it will still be white.

Red. It is said that painting the front door to your house red is a form of protection for your home. You can also use physical protection as part of your Spiritual Protection. For example, when you lock the doors to your home, visualize a shield of protection around your home.

Gold. Gold is another protective color.


Smudging is done with a smudge stick or an incense stick. You light the smudge stick and pass it around an object to cleanse it. Whenever I move into a new home, I smudge it with incense sticks. I walk around the home and try to use the smoke in every nook and cranny. I stop at each door, window, and/or outside vent openings, and say, “I seal this opening against any negativity or anyone wishing to do me or my family harm.” I am trying to push the negative energy out of the space.

For smudging people, I again use an incense stick. However, you can also use a smudge stick. I like to start at the top, just like in healing. I am trying to push all negativity to the ground. It is the safest thing for all. If the energy is grounded, it can no longer harm anyone.

Given that, I start at the top. I go from the crown of the head down the left side to the shoulder. Then, I do the same on the right side. Next, I go down the left side to the waist and then do the same on the right side. Then, I squat down and go down the left side from the waist to the floor. Then, do the same thing on the right side. I like to finish up by going over again from top to bottom and spend a little extra time if I feel any trouble spots.

Funny story about this one time I smudged a hotel room. Hotel rooms have a lot of people going through them, so I wanted to clean it. I did not have an incense stick, so I just used my hands. I pushed all the energy out of the space into the hallway. The room was so much better after that. I had a great night sleep. That is until this unknowing couple walked through the hallway and got in a verbal fight. The ruckus woke me up. It was at that moment that I knew I messed up. I now push all the negative energy out the window.

Spiritual Protection for a Book

The methods of protecting a book have symbolic parallels to actually protecting the book. The simplest is to tie a string or ribbon around the book which you wish to protect. If you want something a bit fancier, you can buy a locking book.

You know how I am always telling you that you can combine these methods. You can also wrap your book in a black cloth or pillowcase to protect it. Remember, we talked about the protective qualities of the color black above.

Spiritual Protection for Sacred Spaces

Another thing you will want to protect are your sacred spaces. These are the spaces where you meditate or perform rituals. If you light a white candle, white entities see your intent to make the space sacred and help out by pushing out the dark energies. They are drawn to the flame, so no battery candles. Side note, indoor sacred spaces help contain the energies you create there.

A Word of Caution

This article would not be complete if I did not mention that Spiritual Protection should always follow Spiritual Cleansing. Someone once came to me who was trying to get rid of a spirit in their home. They put salt around the perimeter of the home in an effort to get rid of the spirit. However, the spirit was still there. You will definitely want to ask those spirits to leave before setting a perimeter that they can’t cross. To Spiritually Cleanse your space, use the smudging technique mentioned above.

Looking for more ideas?

If you are eager to delve deeper into the realm of Spiritual Protection, my book, Spiritual Grounding and Protection, is for you. It is a comprehensive guide that not only explores various techniques and practices for safeguarding yourself and your surroundings but also delves into the essential concept of grounding. Before venturing into protection, understanding grounding is crucial. This book offeres invaluable insights and guidance to explore broader spiritual protection concepts. Do not miss out on this essential resource – grab your copy below and elevate your spiritual protection journey.

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