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Neon Cross

Are Spiritual People Christians?

People who believe in Christ are Christians. But, you don’t have to believe in Christ to be a Spiritual person.

You can read about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12. These are teachings of Christ that we strongly believe in. One of my favorite passages is where John the Baptist says the he baptizes in water, but Jesus baptizes in the Holy Spirit.

On the other side of the coin, many Christians are afraid of the unknown and would claim to have nothing to do with Spiritual people. That puts me in mind of a time when I stopped at a church to ask directions to Camp Chesterfield, which is a Spiritualist Camp that is north of Indianapolis. The Christians were very helpful when I first stopped. I told them I needed directions and they seemed helpful. When I told them I was looking for Camp Chesterfield, they slowly backed away and told me I better go to a gas station for directions. It turned out that I got off I-69 one exit too soon.

Christianity has gotten a bad rap as being hypocritical. I sincerely hope that is not a problem with Spiritual people. One of the main themes of Spiritual beliefs is the Law of Attraction. The Spiritualist principles say to obey nature’s physical and spiritual laws. By obeying those laws we make our own happiness. If you do good than good will come to you. And if you are doing bad, bad will come to you. This is also called karma. If you see a hypocritical Spiritual person, one comfort is they will reap what they sow.

Early in my Spiritual beliefs the fear of bad karma was enough to keep me following an honorable path. Then, the lesson set in that more good will come to me if I do good. Now, I continue to practice what I preach because positive things raise my vibration. A high vibration is extremely important because it brings you closer to God and Spiritual things.

I’ve also recently read that it is very possible that Jesus was learning Buddhism and other eastern beliefs during the lost years of the Bible. I’m talking about how Jesus was in the spotlight at about 13 years old and then the next verse picks up at 30 years old.

Spiritual people are the next evolution of Christians. I came from a Baptist Church, to a Christian Missionary Alliance Church, to a Church of Christ, and then become more of a seeker of truth. One of my goals is to learn something positive from each religion including Christianity. If you embrace the belief that Jesus was studying other religious when he was out of the spotlight of the Bible, then we are very Christ centered.

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