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Ancestors in Meditation

When I had my first child, I did a little bit of research on my family tree. I started asking around about relatives to my older living relatives. Sometimes I got responses like, “Why do you want to know that?” and other times they were happy to share what they knew. I got back a few generations and stored it away on paper in a binder.

A couple years later the TV show, “Who Do You Think You Are?” reminded me about the family tree. I saw it on TV one night and it sparked an interest in my family tree once again. I signed up for the trial and entered the information I had.

If you know how works, it pops up hints, aka leaves, for information it finds in it’s database that might be relevant for your family tree. In the time I had the free trial, I spent many hours upon hours checking the leaves and adding individuals. I also discovered that is a hugely useful free tool for ancestor research. You’ll commonly find birth/death dates, obituaries, and grave photos on Another good resource for family tree research is

As I became more spiritual, I learned why the family tree had been so important. The book that taught me mediation says you ask for your Mother God, Father God, your ancestors, your guides, angels, and principalities to be there. So very shortly before I needed to ask for my ancestors in mediation, the family tree project came out of nowhere and helped me fill in that information. It’s true what they say about God working in mysterious ways. Although, I’d like to think that it’s more like God and the spirits work in mysterious ways.

This is a good time to talk about Grounding in your mediation also. I asked for all my ancestors to come to a group mediation with my immediate family around a bon-fire. For the next couple days, I felt tired and drained. I’ve learned in the last week that I felt that way because I was not properly grounded spiritually.

The next time you mediate, you should try this exercise in grounding. Sit with your feet flat on the floor, your palms facing up in your lap. Close your eyes and begin to visualize tree roots coming down from your Root Chakra near the base of your spin and traveling down your spine. Tell the tree roots to go down into the earth 90 feet. Don’t worry about where that 90 feet is, the roots will know. Feel that warm earth energy come up your non-dominant side. That’s the side where you don’t write with that hand. That’s your receiving side. It comes up through your foot, and up into your calf and thigh. It comes up that side of your abdomen to the shoulder. It goes down your arm and back up the arm to the shoulder again. It goes up that side of the neck and around the top of the head. It follows the same process down the dominant side where you use that hand to write. You feel it go down the side of your face and neck. It gets to the shoulder and goes down your arm into your hand and back up to the shoulder. It goes down the dominant side of your core, down your leg and out of your foot. Ask the earth energy to speed up and begin to take all the pain, toxins, and lower vibrations out of your body and back down to the earth. Ask the earth energy to slow down to a trickle and feel it moving very slowly. Now ask it to come to a maintenance level for your body. Now come out of your meditation feeling as good as ever.

Grounding is a good exercise to start your daily mediation. It helps a lot throughout the day as your come across things seem to sap the energy out of you. You are healed, whole, and healthy. Your ancestors are there for you and it helps to know who they are.

If you have any tips for researching your ancestors or spiritual grounding, please share in the comments.

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