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A Day in the Life of a Spiritual Person

Is there anything you could be doing in your life to be a better person?

She wakes up and looks outside and the sun is rising. She admires the sun rise as a work of God. She is filled with excitement, love, and healing as found in the light. When she looks outside, she hears the birds singing.

She does all the bathroom stuff to get ready for work and then sits down in her quiet spot for and gets centered for some meditation. She does the tree roots grounding, she surrounds herself with protection as she prepares to faces the day. Doing her meditation here replaced a bad habit she used to do in this time-slot before she was a Spiritual person.

She gets in the car and drives to work. On the way, she listens to positive and encouraging music to keep her vibration high. She also makes sure to notice the sky so she doesn’t miss any possible messages from God in the clouds.

She gets to work and locks her car up. She surrounds the car with some spiritual protection. When she walks from the car to the building, she passes someone with a frown. She says good morning and shoots a smile to bring a little encouragement into that person’s life. Even though the other person says nothing, she knows she has done good.

Throughout her work day, she does her job to the best of her ability. Anything she puts her name on must be an example of the greater good.

When she leaves the building, she looks up at the sunset. She mentions how beautiful the sky is to someone who passes her. That person agrees.

She drives home and someone cuts her off. She starts to get mad and shrugs it off. Spiritual people must keep their vibration high but getting mad is a low vibration. A little bit later someone else cuts her off and she hits the horn angrily. Instead of a hook, what comes out is a beep beep. Hmmm, must be a message from Spirit to keep a lid on the anger.

When she gets home, she spends some time with her kids playing games, teaching them, and helping them. When the kids are put to bed, she spends some devotional time to herself reading, meditating, and thinking her usual affirmations.

When she goes to bed and quiets her mind. She surrounds the house, car, and her property with spiritual protection. She may hear a few more messages from Spirit and then goes to sleep to be a positive force in the universe again tomorrow.

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