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Blank Canvas

Blank Canvas Creation Meditation


Welcome to the Blank Canvas Creation Meditation, a journey into the realm of your creative essence. Just as a painter stands before a blank canvas, you stand at the threshold of endless possibilities. Embrace this sacred moment as we unlock the reservoir of your imagination and invite inspiration to flow through you. Find a comfortable and quiet space where you can dive into the depths of your creativity.


Setting the Space

Begin by finding a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, letting the air fill your lungs, and exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tensions. Feel the rhythm of your breath grounding you in the present moment.

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Garden of Gratitude

Garden of Gratitude Meditation


Step into a realm of abundant gratitude with the Garden of Gratitude Meditation. Imagine yourself in a lush and vibrant garden, where every flower represents a facet of your life that you cherish. In this meditation, you’ll cultivate gratitude, nurture positivity, and uncover the beauty of appreciating the present moment.

To get you started, here are some common things people are gratful for family, friends, food, possesions, life itself, etc.


Setting the Space

Find a comfortable and quiet space for your meditation practice. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to settle into the present moment. Let go of any distractions as you begin your journey into the garden of gratitude.

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Gray Stainless Steel Armor for Protection

Complete Guide to Spiritual Protection


This guide will walk you through several different tools and techniques for Spiritual Protection. You can use these tools and techniques to protect yourself, your family, your home, your car, or anything that needs safeguarding. To adapt the Spiritual Protection for your needs, you just need to change the technique to put your needs front and center.

Spiritual Protection can work in conjunction with the Law of Attraction to help you be more positive. If you feel protected, then you will have fewer negative thoughts like worry and fear.


If you are not familiar with affirmations, these are phrases that you can repeat to yourself in your mind. The more you repeat them, the more power they have. The more emotion involved as you use them, the more power they have. That’s because the Law of Attraction is stronger with stronger emotion. Taken to the next level, an incantation is an affirmation that is spoken out loud.

May pure white light envelop me.

I intend to reach my destination safely.

I am safe and protected.

If you need more affirmations, check out my post on writing great affirmations.


If you want to kick your affirmations or incantations up another notch, you can use decrees. Decrees are so powerful that they only need to be spoken once.

By Divine Decree, in the name of all that is Holy, I am protected from all that would cause me harm.

Armor of God

The Bible talks about putting on the armor of God. I like this because this armor comes with the power of God. It also has a nice visual imagery to go with it. You could go into a full mediation and visualize putting this armor on. Also, check out our other meditations.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. - Ephesians 6:10-11 (NIV)

White Light Protection

My personal favorite is the white light protection. I bet you could tell by the way it made it into my affirmations above. You will probably feel the same way when you realize how versatile it is. You can use it for anything. You can use it for your home, car, children, yourself, or otherwise.

It is also easy. Just surround whatever you want to protect in a white light bubble. It is as easy as locking your car doors with the key fob. In fact, that is precisely what I do. First, I lock my car with the key fob. Then, I pause for a second and visualize the car surrounded in white light for protection.

Think of it like a hard egg shell that protects you, your family, or your possessions.

Angels & Spirit Guides

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Bag overflowing with indistinguishable coins

Law of Attraction for More Money

Law of Attraction Tools

Gratitude. Gratitude is the first thing in this article because it should always be the first thing. It should be the first thing in your prayers. It should be the first thing in your requests for the universe. The reason it should be first is because when you are grateful, you attract more of those things that you are grateful for.

I am grateful for the money I have.

Affirmations. These little guys are one of my favorite tools. They are so easy to come up with. It is just a phrase or sentence that embodies your intent. As you repeat an affirmation to yourself over and over again, you can change a negative though pattern to a align with your intent. It doesn’t have to be a negative thought form either. It can just be a though pattern that does not serve you anymore. It does not align with your new intent.

Money easily comes to me passively from multiple sources.

Visualizations and Meditations. Seeing what you desire is really powerful tool too.

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Security camera lens mounted on metal wall

Body Scan Meditation


Prepare yourself for meditation. Gather any tools that aid in mediation such a mala bracelet or mediation mat. Find a comfortable place. Get into a mediation position that works for you.

Guided Meditation

You are walking down a long corridor. The walls are stainless steel. The hall seems to go on for quite a long ways. Every eight feet is a little support around the left, right, and top of the hallway. There is also a threshold at those intervals. You pass four of these thresholds before entering a large stainless steel room.

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Angelic embrace statue

Angel Healing Meditation

If you haven’t seen it already, you may want to check out the post on Angel Healing.

Prepare for Meditation

Find a comfortable spot to begin your meditation. I actually like to do this mediation out in nature. It keeps it out of your home which is your sacred space. Nature also provides free white noise like wind, birds, and more. It would be a bonus if you can find a spot without other people.

Choose your meditative pose. I like to sit Indian style with my hands in my lap palms up. This is a position of grace. You could also sit in a chair feet flat on the floor. You can vary the position of your hands as well. You can put your palms up with your thumbs touching your middle finger in a circle. You can place your hands in front of your chest palm to palm in more of a prayer position. Of course, you can also do a standing meditation.

Once you have chosen your body and hand positions, prepare your mind for meditation. What I do is sort of turn off the conscious mind and allow the subconscious mind to come to the forefront. You’ll need just a little conscious mind to guide the meditation the way you want.

Guided Meditation

Begin the meditation.

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Church steeple

Are Church Steeples Pointing to Heaven?


Have you ever wondered about the profound meaning behind the majestic church steeples that adorn the sky? In this exploration, we unveil the hidden spiritual connections between church steeples and obelisks, shedding light on the spiritual energy they both channel and the rich symbolism they hold.

Church Steeples: More than Meets the Eye

Contrary to the popular notion of church steeples merely pointing toward the heavens, there lies a deeper truth. They are, in essence, obelisks. As Christianity expanded its reach into new realms, it absorbed influences from various belief systems and faiths. In this fascinating merger, the church steeple emerged as a form of obelisk, much like its ancient Egyptian counterpart. Church Steeples may have been an attempt to gain the interest of those that used obelisks in their religion prior to going to that church.

Unearthing the Egyptian Legacy

The ancient Egyptians referred to obelisks as tekhenu, a term evoking the act of “piercing” the sky.

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Surprised child holding a book on black background

A Child's Why

But, Why?

Have you ever been around a small child that never stops asking why?

  1. Why do people get sick? Because germs that you cannot see make us sick.
  2. Why? Because they germs are trying to survive just like us.
  3. Why? Because nobody wants to die.
  4. Why? Because we are born that way.
  5. Why? Because. Just Barbecue.

Five Whys

There is a concept in software development called the five whys.

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Several wrapped boxed gifts

12 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The difference between a gift and a power is that you can control a power. A gift comes and goes. You can hone a gift but you never have full control.

1. Prophecy. The gift of prophecy is number one for a reason. It will make your life better. A lot of churches have the belief that it is old testament only. Like you don’t see much prophecy these days. But, it is mentioned in Romans, 1 Corinthians, and Ephesians. These are new testament books. This should open your eyes. Prophecy is still around today. Anybody can do it, you just have to get away from the busyness of day to day life and take time in the silence. Raise your vibration to get messages from beyond the veil. You can also try divination with tarot cards, scrying, Automatic Writing, or some other form of divination.

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Hand writing with a red, white, and blue pencil

Beginner's Guide to Writing Letters to the Universe

What is a letter to the universe (and why should I write one)?

You may have heard people talk about writing a letter to the universe. Simply put, this is the practice of writing down your desires and requests and addressing them to the universe so they can manifest in your life. This fantastically simple technique can bring about real change in your life and allow you to live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

How and why does this technique work?

The universe has unlimited power. It has the power to grant us our wishes and help us realize our true potential. Our ancestors knew of and harnessed this gift, but in today’s modern society that knowledge is in danger of becoming lost.

Once our goals are focused and clarified in a letter and placed in the hands of the universe we quickly become in alignment with it. This very act of placing our faith in the universe, and asking it to fulfill our wishes allows them to manifest in amazing ways in our lives.

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