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About Ryan Johnston Sr.

About Ryan

Ryan J. Johnston Sr. is a truth seeker and techno-mage. He believes there is only one God. He believes that God did not share Spiritual Truth with just one religion. Therefore, if all religions have some of the Absolute Truth, then we must be able to seek it out. As he finds wisdom that resonates as truth, he will add it to his books and this blog. Stay tuned to see what is coming this year. Also, please feel free to help sort out the wisdom and share your thoughts in post comments.

This blog is an attempt to seek Spiritual Truth from all religions and belief systems. This blog explores many topics from Spirituality to Religion. Ryan also likes to do DIY projects in his spare time.

Spiritual History

Ryan J. Johnston Sr. grew up in a Christian religious setting. He was involved in Youth Group as a teenager. He was even featured in his high school yearbook as destined to be a preacher. He has a natural curiosity about religion and spirituality. In Adulthood, Ryan established the New Sunflower Church in Indianapolis, IN fulfilling the destiny from his high school yearbook. The church was a way to research spirituality and share his findings. He also learned from the people that visited the church. It was a two way church. By day, Ryan is a software developer and very logical. He approaches spirituality just as logically. Though the church closed at the end of 2015, Ryan is and always will be a truth seeker. One thing he learned through the church is that people like to learn spiritual things on their own time. Ryan is now sharing and learning with other through his books and this blog.

Software Engineering History

Ryan J. Johnston Sr. knew he wanted to be a software developer ever since high school. He started out learning HTML on Geocities on a WebTV. He took classes in QBasic and Pascal in high school. In college, he took classes in Java and Visual Basic. But, also in college Ryan started building websites with PHP. He learned cPanel hosting and DNS on his own. After college, he started his career doing Data Entry which quickly turned into Software Quality at the same company. In 2009, when the economy tanked and he got laid off, he knew it would be hard to find a position anywhere. So, he decided to put in the effort to get what he wanted in a PHP shop. From there, Ryan moved on to a PHP Software Quality position at an SEO company. This position introduced Ryan to Marketing. Next, Ryan moved on to a SaaS company working on their primary application. Ryan picked up more Marketing tips and tricks from this position. Finally, Ryan ended up at a consulting company doing SaaS for some clients and complex web applications for others. Currently, Ryan is working to make his books and blog his main source of income.

Located in Indianapolis, IN.

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